Build confidence, habits of learning, and teamwork skills with activities designed to harness young minds’ natural curiosity.
FIRST® LEGO® League Discover Class Pack includes the curriculum resources educators and facilitators need to lead early learners through 10 sessions that explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through play using the LEGO® Education STEAM Park.
Discover More Family Engagement Sets help bring the learning home, so caregivers can experience learning through play with their children. The Discover More game and LEGO® Six Bricks activities help to bridge and reinforce the learning that takes place at home and at school.
The 2024-2025 ocean-themed SUBMERGEDSM materials will help students use creative thinking and LEGO® technology to explore the layers of the ocean and bring learnings and ideas to the surface in a new challenge launching August 6.
*Additional Engineering Notebooks can be purchased in bundles of 10, up to three (3) bundles per Class Pack. For the best experience, if more than three (3) bundles are needed, please order an additional FIRST LEGO League Discover Class Pack.
Not included with Class Pack registration and can be purchased separately through FIRST.
STEAM Park builds on every child’s natural curiosity and desire to create, explore, and investigate the world of early STEAM through creative play. Using the special selection of LEGO DUPLO bricks, children grow their understanding of gears, motion, measurement, and solving problems together in a fun and engaging way.
Each reusable STEAM Park Set contains 295 LEGO DUPLO bricks, including gears, tracks, pulleys, boats, and figures.
We recommend no more than eight (8) students per STEAM Park Set to provide all students an opportunity to engage with the various elements.
FIRST LEGO League Class Pack awards are available for purchase through Sports Awards for registered Class Pack customers. Options for purchase include ribbons, trophies, pencils, lanyards, and buttons. Customers must provide their Class Pack Account Number (found in the FIRST Dashboard) to complete their purchase. These awards are a great way to recognize students’ achievements at their culminating Class Pack celebrations. Follow these instructions to order your Class Pack awards.
Thinkscape Access
Aug 2024 - June 2025
Registration Cost 2024-2025
U.S. Shipping $38
Canada Shipping $72
Taxes will be applied as required
STEAM Park Set
Recommended 1 set per 8 students
Shipping/Handling $15
Taxes will be applied as required
Additional Engineering Notebooks
Up to three bundles of books per Class Pack
U.S Shipping (only) $14
(10 books)
Additional Discover More Sets
Up to 100 sets per Class Pack
Shipping/handling and taxes will be applied as required
U.S. Shipping (only) $15
(per set)
Professional Development
Strongly recommended
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*Price in USD
(1 seat)