Hi Friend,

We think you’ll love these short introductory videos our Program Delivery Partner in the United Kingdom, The IET, created all about FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge.

Join Lowri and Andy for a walkthrough of the materials for the RePLAYSM season and the skills students will develop as they explore sports, play, and fitness using the Challenge Set, Engineering Notebook, Robot Game Rulebook, and LEGO® Education SPIKETM Prime or LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3.

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To help you deliver our programs this season, we’ve created resources including modification guidance, digital access to season materials, and an online learning community where you can connect with other adults facilitating FIRST LEGO League Challenge.

Connect with Support

Email:  customerservice@firstinspires.org  

Phone:  800-871-8326

Live Chat on firstinspires.org

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