Hi ,
In this week's blast:
⚙️FIRST® Championship Robot Transportation
⚙️Resource of the Week: FIRST Impact Award Submissions
⚙️FIRST® Robotics Competition Blog Updates
Program Updates, Deadlines, & Reminders
FIRST® Championship Robot Transportation: Teams that accept a spot at FIRST Championship and secure the registration fee will be receiving an email from frclogistics@firstinspires.org to select the option to either hand-carry or ship a crated robot to FIRST Championship. For more information, please visit the Robot Transportation page.
Resource of the Week: This week’s resource is related to the FIRST Impact Award. Did you know that we host copies of team’s submission who win the FIRST Impact Award at a Regional or District Championship? Teams can view copies of the submissions and videos and presentations (as made available to FIRST) on the Regional & District Championship FIRST Impact Award Winners page.
FIRST Robotics Competition Blog Updates:
✏️ Updates on the Future Robot Controller
Upcoming Important Dates:
⚙️ March 25 - March 31: Week 5 Competition Events
⚙️ April 1 - April 7: Week 6 Competition Events
⚙️ April 16 – April 19: FIRST Championship