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Hi Team Number,

Congratulations on qualifying for this amazing, life-changing event; we are so glad your team is joining us! We will be emailing you every Thursday with important updates and reminders regarding the 2025 FIRST® Championship presented by BAE Systems.

To start, we have compiled information specific to FIRST® Robotics Competition Teams on the FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Information page including information on queuing, practice fields, layouts, and more! We’ll post updates often, so check back periodically for new information.

Teams can also check out the FIRST Championship Website for information that is applicable to all programs and attendees and the FIRST Championship Event Guide for information that is applicable to all attendees such as information about badging, Conferences, Innovation Faire, and more!


FIRST® Championship Housing and Badge Registration:

FIRST requires all teams competing at FIRST Championship to book housing accommodation within designated hotel blocks to compete at the event. FIRST has partnered with ConferenceDirect to offer over 200 pre-approved hotels, ensuring accessibility and availability for all qualified teams. All team members attending must participate in the hotel program and be listed on the team's rooming / badging registration list prior to the start of the competition. Teams will receive an invitation from ConferenceDirect ( to begin the housing and badging process.  

Teams can review additional housing information including a list of hotels available on the FIRST Championship webpage.

IMPORTANT: You will be responsible for any cancellation fees incurred per hotel policies.


Robot Shipping:

Teams that have registered to FIRST Championship and have secured the payment will receive an email from with instructions to indicate whether the team will hand carry or ship the robot crate with the FedEx voucher. Information about shipping the robot to FIRST Championship and deadlines can be found on the Robot Transportation page. For information about shipping multiple robots and pit supplies with a 53’ trailer, and the Championship Load In and Load Out guides, please review this FIRST Robotics Competition Blog.

Teams Outside the U.S. and Canada: Shipping has become increasingly difficult over the last few years. We would like to encourage teams outside of the U.S. and Canada to hand carry their robots in if it is feasible for them. For teams outside of the U.S. and Canada who do need to ship their robots, we estimate that the time in transit will be a minimum of three (3) weeks. If your team needs to ship their robot, please do so as soon as possible to allow the carrier plenty of time to transport it.

Have questions about shipping your robot to FIRST Championship? Please send an email to


Accessible Seating: 

Accessible seating is available for all fields. If your team needs accessible seating, please indicate this when you register for badging to help us with planning. There will be space by the field for the person in need plus up to three (3) additional members from their team.

Please be aware that anyone sitting in the Accessible Seating area must wear safety glasses. Please see a volunteer for directions to seating. Due to space constraints, most of the team will need to sit in the reserved area in the stands behind the accessible seating and accessible seating is limited during Einstein. See the FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Information page for more details.


Volunteer Opportunities:

As part of FIRST Championship, we ask FIRST participants to assist us by volunteering at the event. We have roles available like Robot Inspection, Team Queuing, Safety Glasses, and more! If you have extra parents, mentors, or students coming to FIRST Championship, they can sign up to volunteer.

Please note that all volunteers must be 15+ and some roles have other requirements. To volunteer, Apply today!

Students can also consider becoming a Student Ambassador! Time commitment for the role is a two-hour tour shift plus training. To sign up, use the link above and select Student Ambassador. If you have any questions, please send an email to


As always, we are here to help. Please contact our FIRST Support team with any questions. 

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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
200 Bedford Street
Manchester, NH 03101 

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